Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Trouble with Templates

Templates have always perplexed me. They sure sound like a good idea: who likes the idea of all kinds of layout and content wrapped up in one big ball of code that plops it out? Wouldn't it be nicer to have a clean layer that separates layout, content, and code? Here's a piece of html layout, some json content blob and poof! A page pops out. Nothing can be easy though, so your majick needs to know how to bind the content to the layout.

So the first thing that comes to my mind is, well, howse about something that just binds values to particular places in some html template via some regex incantation? But that majick is weak and needs to know where to bind things. And JSON itself is just a way to marshal bits onto the wire, not a formatting transmogrifier. So it would be great if a couple of regex's were all that it really took to work, but it doesn't in the normal day to day world from what I've seen. Just take for example 1 vs. 2. Assuming your JSON blob just has a number in it, you often want to pluralize the word around the number itself. That requires either the ick factor of pluralizing the word server-side, or the embedded logic to do the same. And that's just one very small example... there are legions.

So what is a template anyway? I'd say that it's data possibly with embedded control logic. What's a normal script? Control logic possibly with embedded data. It seems to me that you pick your poison: do you want the HTML layout to drive the overall structure of the module, or do you want the programming structure to drive the layout of the page? All of the templating solutions I've seen are HTML with embedded control logic, usually with some obscure control language that somebody hacked together. With phpBB which I use for Phresheez forums, the templating is even weirder: they have built their own control language, one of whose controls is a PHP escape itself! So you have a PHP script interpreting a template which can then eval PHP. This is better than just doing an include() with embedded PHP itself? At the very least, the implicit eval in include() is going to be faster than any PHP parsing through the template (and then possibly calling eval again). So I just don't get it.

One thing seems pretty clear to me: for all of its virtues, HTML as a structured way of looking at programmatic source leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe it's me, but I find that I figure out what's going on in a module a lot faster if I look at a real source module rather than a bunch of isolated programming in a sea of markup. But then again, a bunch of html += '' are pretty heinous too. Neither method really makes a barrier if you want a separation of layout monkeys from code monkeys. They're both likely to have their fingers in the same modules, and they're certainly going to have to coordinate no matter what.

It seems possible, however, to have templates that are nothing more than markup though. If the pertinent nodes in the DOM are assigned ID's and js code can hunt them down, add the needed listeners, add the formatted data from the JSON blob, etc. How practical this is I don't know. For one, you're likely to be still generating some markup in code -- a table with a dynamic number of rows, for example. Honestly the thing that frightens me the most about that sort of mechanism is how you create, coordinate, and maintain the ID namespace between the layout monkeys and the code monkeys. That really seems like a nightmare.

I'm not really sure what the solution is, but maybe this might be a start of a conversation: don't shoehorn mock programming logic into html. Even on its best day, it's an orc-like counterfeit of a real programming language even in comparison to a the decidedly low-elf javascript. Maybe instead what would be good is to actually just *split* the HTML layout duties if that's how your shop works. That is, the layout monkey checks in a real piece of html -- without ID's as above -- and the code monkey translates that into working code that can deal with all of the subtleties that cause much consternation with an inadequately expressive templating language. Sure it takes two steps, but that's sort of a good thing in my view: each piece of code is owned by the proper stake holder. Diff is our friend: when changes happen to the layout, you just diff the html source and figure out how that affects the actual layout generating code.

So I guess the long and short of this is that I'm just not terribly convinced that solve more problems than they create. They sound good, but they always seem to keep coming up short from what I can see. Maybe it's yet another case of TANSTAAFL. In a new client centric world, maybe it's time to step back a bit and go back to first principles for a while though.

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