Thursday, May 2, 2013

Something old, something new. Something borrowed...

So I have been searching for a way to do a color picker that works ok on mobile phones. Most of the color pickers out there expect that a) mouse over works and b) that your finger is a mouse pointer. Fails on both accounts. So I found a rustic html color picker at w3schools. It uses a gif for the background, and an imagemap which is very, very old school these days. The code to do it is pretty big and definitely ugly. So I decided to do run with it and make it all fashion forward 'n stuff.

The image map contains the coordinates of the polygons for all of the hexagons in the gif. So why not just use a canvas element and render it instead of snarfing up a big png/gif? So I grabbed their source, and a couple of emacs keyboard macros transmogrified the area tags and the corresponding color into a nice compact javascript array. From there it was easy: loop through the array to draw the hexagons, and in parallel create the html for the area tags. To get the image, you just call toDataURL('image/png') on the canvas, and it can be stuffed into an <img> tag.

Their picker took the selected color and sent it back to a server to show different shades of the base color. Yuck. Instead of that, I just converted the colors to hsv and created a set of variations by changing the s and v values. Simple, easy, and most importantly relatively easy to pick with fat fingers. Does it give you the ability to pick infinitely variations on a hue/saturation/luminance? No, but a) I didn't need that, and b) it would be very unwieldy for... fat fingers. Again.

The source and docs are available on google code.

Here's the source:

 *   Copyright (c) May  2 06:46:44  MTCC
 * Author: Michael Thomas
 * Module: colormap.js
 * Created: Thu May  2 06:46:44 2013
 * Abstract:
 *      License: MIT
 *    color mapper

/* Edit History: 

function colormap (prefix, w) {
    this.prefix = prefix;
    this.can = document.createElement ('canvas');
    this.can.width = 234;   // original image dimensions 
    this.can.height = 199; 
    if (w)
 this.scale = w/this.can.width;
 this.scale = 1;
    this.can.width *= this.scale;
    this.can.height *= this.scale;

colormap.prototype.render = function (color) {
    var ctx = this.can.getContext ('2d');    
    ctx.scale (this.scale, this.scale);
    html = '';
    html += '<map name="'+this.prefix+'.map">';
    for (var i in {
 var slot = [i];
 html += '<area shape=poly onclick="'+this.prefix+'.select (\''+slot [1]+'\')" coords="';
 ctx.beginPath ();
 for (var j = 0;  j < slot[0].length; j += 2) {
     html += slot [0][j]*this.scale + ',';
     html += slot [0][j+1]*this.scale;
     if (j < slot [0].length-1)
  html += ',';
     if (j == 0)
  ctx.moveTo (slot [0][j], slot [0][j+1]);
  ctx.lineTo (slot [0][j], slot [0][j+1]);      
 ctx.lineTo (slot [0][0], slot [0][1]);      
 html += '"/>';
 ctx.closePath ();
 ctx.fillStyle = slot [1];
 ctx.fill ();
    html += '</map>';    
    html += x = '<br><div id="'+this.prefix+'.shades">'+this.shades (color)+'</div>';
    return {html:html, img: '<img src="'+this.can.toDataURL ('image/png')+'" usemap="#'+this.prefix+'.map">'};
}; = function (color) {
    if (this.onselect)
 this.onselect (color);
    var el = document.getElementById (this.prefix+'.shades');
    reliableNewc (el, this.shades (color));

colormap.prototype.shades = function (color) {
    var rgb = new RGBColor (color);
    var hsv = rgb2hsv (rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
    var html = '';
    html += '<table align=center><tr>';
    for (var i = 0; i < 256; i += 16) {
 if (i == 128)
     html += '<tr>';
 if (i < 128)
     hsv.v = i;
     hsv.s = i-128;
 var rgb2 = hsv2rgb (hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v);
 html += '<td><div onclick="'+this.prefix+'.select(\''+rgb2+'\')" style="position:relative; height:30px;width:30px; background:'+rgb2+'; border: 1px solid black"></div>';
    html += '</table>';
    return html;

// scraped from the source of = [
    [[171,180,180,184,180,195,171,199,162,195,162,184], '#993333'],
    [[153,180,162,184,162,195,153,199,144,195,144,184], '#800000'],
    [[135,180,144,184,144,195,135,199,126,195,126,184], '#990000'],
    [[117,180,126,184,126,195,117,199,108,195,108,184], '#993300'],
    [[99,180,108,184,108,195,99,199,90,195,90,184], '#CC3300'],
    [[81,180,90,184,90,195,81,199,72,195,72,184], '#996600'],


  1. Hi, thanks for sharing your code. I was testing it and I couldn't find "reliableNewc" that is called from "" - I think it is meant just to replace the table of shdes with new one?

  2. Hi, i tried to sanitize this, but reliableNewc is just my wrapper around setting .innerHTML. believe it or not, on iphones, setting .innerHTML is not reliable and has to be tried potentially many times to make certain it sticks.
